Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Anniversary Program Samples The Legend of Chtulhu

On Tuesday

began as a normal day: Early morning
went to see Alonso Ovalle was ké shirt size, to send me a q've been waiting a looooong time ago so I gathered the silver YQX:

and Then I went on a normal Metro ...

But the first thing I saw was ... odd q Master Roshi
!!!!!!! Σ (゜ ロ ゜;)!

IF! Mutter ROSHI IS YEAR 2000!
(that's more so after and before DBGT DBZ)
Beside him was a man obese obesity (¯ □ ¯")"( can only appreciate its 2 stomachs, below the belt and belt up ... but it had many more q)

iwal l @ s passengerBe a little looking. I liked the lighting:

Aaaaaaaartos minutes later spent a tip @ s @ s q with the description gave me the Yuu, but did Lesos and continued long. Then he walked around, stared at me, made a discreet "crab step horizontal approach" to approach me and greeted me:
"Hi, you're Kira?" I ~(·_·)~ Dago (* smiles *) and Selene

Camilo went to pick up and drove me! (☆ _ ☆) Camilo
re driving and I felt good in the car of a guy so young.

Amb @ s were very nice and friendly, we talked a little, I told the story of "The Legend of Cthulhu" and taught me the basics of comLXC Loud music, looks young ... I felt great (☆ _ ☆)

Upon arrival, the night was coming and with it went the NEXT chapter of "The Mysteries of Cthulhu"
Camilo was the Master. I had never played a game of role with music and good atmosphere ... was noticeable q @ s ell enjoyed and had much experience throughout the story, I loved the atmosphere q formed in that environment.

The "Chronicle" estubo genial, a case of mystery with a series of murders and q voltage rarely felt playing role. So much so suddenly q cuckoo clock rang and I was about to cry, but when I realized I held the scream and looked like a frightened sigh. L
to music was in accordance with each stage of history and that made him even better ... Q LOVED ME YOU PUT THE DEDICATION everyone!!

Chronicle tell it in another post, xq was quite long, complex and had several characters imbolucrados.

In 2 words: It was great

(notice the bags under my eyes) (つ д ⊂)
with Yuuchi and Selene After we left, and Camilo Cupi went to their houses and red bunting, this story over.

- suddenly I feel something q moves my feet ... must be a dream (^ ^ U) BUT SOMETHING ┏ シ GO TO MY STOMACH! GATOOOO AN ERA!! And ran and ran and chased me X EVERYWHERE! q Selene came up and saved me ヽ ('∀ `ヽ) -
The next day I woke up early, woke up at Yuu and left. I alcansé

to dismiss Kice Selene and not disturb his sleep, but I hope it has reached q my SMS.


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