Saturday, January 29, 2011

Signs Of Appendicitis More Condition_symptoms

ay super softh lemon (for which someone will hit the fuss) certainly apologize for what I read, the truth almost ended up hating it cost me much to write, I promise that the second will improve and bring risque stuff * pinky promise *


The onlythat it was worth a good beatings by his father until finally one day he defended.

The arrival at the training was the most unreal to Jared, his father is presumed to be stopped if not, the young Brown since he entered the arena neighborhood with each and every of which it faced, not surprising for someone from the six years has had a sword in his hands and a great many weapons, the comments did not wait around for admiration, envy and other few angry especially for those who had more time training.

did not take long for Jared againthe example to follow, at 17 years the chestnut was an expert on melee fighting and weapons in addition to being an excellent strategist, but one day the desire of becoming the best high soldier increased when saw a young blonde with short hair, fair skin, slightly tanned, with freckles on his face and part of his back that could be seen by his toga, besides having a beautiful green eyes, was neither more nor less that Jensen who had been blind for three years just after his father lost an eye in battle, did not know why but the desire to protect the blonde made it his purpose in life and more when turning his face to the left to view ascar running from his neck

to his chest.

Jensen The day I get to the center where they were training the future soldiers of the empire seemed most horrible day of his life just like that, he should satisfy the desires of his father who blamed him for ruining his life as making a useless general for the wars when the blonde I take a look in his attempt to defend one of the many beatings he took, for it was there making him more hated, but never leave their own dreams on the side, behind his father had studied so tiredsde an objective point of view that was his only distinction was otherwise equal to others, of course, and was not amused when I began running around the arena and that its bad luck was enormous as much or more than the emperor's palace and had to be because not only was an arena were five in one, which are used for different workouts, fighting with weapons, melee training exercises with horses and so on, there was the fitness area where he first met a young unrealistically high, go on not what is said but that little girl made him feel tiny, young in questions & oacute, n was lower than it showed on the faces of children who had all smiles and good manners, which was never imagined that this young man was the best of all there well above most the soldiers why was there was for the boy's father, one of the generals who trained him had insisted that his son be educated in strategies and such things as military which forced the boy to stay longer than necessary at the site rather than join the legions of a good time. Was quick to recognize, except for the first time, it was too far from him and could not watch it. He did not know what happened but a diaa will inform otherit, so showing his stubbornness decided to regain the friendship of the fair at any cost, began with acts of kindness helped him in tasks that no one person could do and he did not understand it put to them, the patient showed training explained in detail the techniques of fighting and more, of course with one or two tips to make things easier, but still the blonde continued overly distant.

"I think today we can not train properly .- chestnut dropped from an arm around the blonde, that day rainingThe blonde's words still rang in her head "are not far from friends, the anger was with him at that time so I decided to put some distance between them before they hit the urge to be made unbearable , Jensen never had imported your friendship, do not value the afternoons when going out into the streets just for the pleasure of being together, silly games, jokes, laughter, tears began to roll down her cheeks so he got to train in the rain to see if he could calm down a bit and was running the anger start to fall when Jensen stepped in front of the attacking with two swords, which could barely dodge.

- What the hell is wrong with you?! - Scream with anger runs through the veins back

"We have to train, is not it, to think of two soldiers who are afraid of a little water. - The smile that just drew on your face with all the anger that Jared had inside, it was like looking back to his best friend.

- Remember me?

The blond did not answer was limited to only a sword and attack him again, Jared did not think twice if this was the way the blonde wanted to take it complaceríay this vez there would be considerations of any kind, not before any, but the brown is suppressed enough to not hurt more than the young. Jensen

never expected that his way of apologizing is out of hand so quickly, before he had fought with swords to brown as it was the only year in which he had ; to defend decently but even then he realized that his idea was a big mistake to see the force that was attacked, the thrusts were powerful, lightning-fast movements, knew that the young person does not hurt ; to but I was still startingNo fights. So the blow to the face with the hilt of the sword fighting sack almost immediately, but for the rain that fell on his face had been unconscious on the floor.

The face of terror Chestnut did not wait to see what was achieved, the guy who thought he had stolen, which had sworn to protect the world lay on the ground with the split lip and a bruise emerging in her beautiful face fault. Rushed to take him inside the stables to assist luckily that day there was hardly anyone in the place so cockgone out of his mouth but what came out was completely different.

"If you remember Jay and I will not walk away from you again. - When he saw the brown with the pot on his face and looking down their barriers fell and did not take long to realize that not depart from the re

- Why not me you said?, "I thought you only had been with me that there was no one else to hang out?, was a child I accept it was not the best company the world but at least you could feign some interest when I saw this right?

-Jay, I come to you for fear of these years my life has not been the happiest of all, I did not get involved with anyone to avoid the penalty of who knew what he had done and the reason I'm here.

"Tell me I'm not going to judge Jensen, never would, you're almost my brother.

The blond took a deep breath and meditate for a while whether to talk or not, but if he did not burst eventually took too long to suffer in silence, so I ended up talking. Jared

listen intently every young man's words, the real motive por which his father lost his eye, which is why they went to another city of Rome and his return for the appointment of his father as a councilor of war, the abuse that was submitted, the tense relationship with Ladius in those days, his remorse, the way we study behind his father and ultimately his desire to become a member of the consulate. Jared

almost runs out to find the father of Jensen to hear everything he had, I could not believe all that is past his friend but was stopped by this who said he was not worth it at least not for him. The defeated you could hear the voice of Jensen made something inside broke into pieces.

Jen re hurt you, I swear.

following months these were the best for both Jensen improving every day as far as Jared referíaa battle and it was hard but still managed to beat it imposed, which the blonde and did not mind, at least not as before in all that was well above the blond was in strategy and methods of warfare intelligence and wisdom was something that Jared could not compete. Their relationship on the other hand only improved since that day, had become inseparable again, once again the best of friends, looks accomplices in mischief only evideJensen ention never heard of it.

- Jen Are you okay? - The voice of brown interrupted thoughts circulating in his head.

"Yes, do not worry, I thought I would feel relief or punishment but the truth is that I feel nothing. Never realized their hatred towards me, all I did was try to fulfill my dreams, like you, never wanted to disappoint.

-Jen ... perhaps it was well and nobody noticed.

"I wanted him dead Jay, I knew from the day he hit me firstubo words of comfort, there were no tears, no cries that met only a hug everything they needed.

The war broke out, the Persian empire was approaching dangerously to dominate and conquer the city were difficult months the splendor of the city slowly began to be replaced by doubt and fear.

The Roman legions were known to be the strongest military force and effectively throughout the ancient world but so that military force had faults, is tired, the Persians attacked continuously for no apparent reason, which did not suspect was that waiting for the moment tired and weak to attack.

hard months legions were declining rapidly and were forced to use citizens as reinforcements which resulted in greater bloodshed that ended with the death of the emperor.

The Caesar had become a second father to Jensen's death meant a blow to sink into a horrible depression coupled with all that he could not grieve as he should because Diaye night was surrounded by MPs, politicians, generals who would choose a new emperor out of all the Senate and committee of war, so he had not seen the young breed about girlsundiéndose on his chest.

The reaction took by surprise the blond girl who takes a while to react to the embrace, hugging against her body a little more, letting the aroma of blonde slinks through your nose. From time to time Jensen fell into account what he had done and stood back with tearful eyes.

-Excuse me I should not do that, "he said looking away.

"Never mind, it's okay Jen.

"But ... I should not.

"It does also not the end of the world besides me hugging Jen did not even miss my friends and friends we embrace orra plan a plan of attack, also say that it was not Jen were his pride, I wanted I told you not know about all the times I was cornered and threatened to send me to the lions if you dare hurt for more.

"He did that? - Pure disbelief in his voice.

Jen "Several times, even went to class strategy and the smile I had when I saw how great you were not fit in the face.

The tears began to fall from his eyes again the emotions that were installed in his heart for the words of Brown had been making up mentrar once again but before he could react cradling Jared hugged him like a child trying to comfort him but this time he departed not stayed there enjoying the heat, allowing ourselves to its aroma, so lost was on the feelings that I do not notice when the words left her mouth.

"I love you.

was horrified when he realized what he did not want to lose Jared not so, mentally cursed himself for being so stupid, not even look up did not want to face rejection in the eyes of Brown was aboutor separated when the young man's hand rested on his chin, forcing him to look.

did not want to see it, not going to stand so I just shut his eyes tight.

"Sorry I did not want. - Her voice trembled with fear.

-I love you too.

The words echoed through his head gently but forcefully, she loved him, was the only thing I was thinking, he opened his eyes slowly, fearing it was a dream, but what was found dispel all doubts, green eyes shining Jaredban with emotion, the smile on his face betrayed his state and could not help feeling and the desire was stronger than him, had waited for so long that he thought not only placed his lips on Chestnut an innocent kiss, proving its soft, slightly biting one of them drunk on the sweet taste that could only compare with the ambrosia of the gods, the greater was their joy when it was reciprocated, chestnut his lips opened slightly with an invitation to enter, immediately raised her hand to the nape of young tangling their fingers in their hair thin over slightly closer to Him to deepen the kiss, his tongue andNTER shy to start recording in his memory every corner of the mouth of the soldier, to make way for so long restrained passion, Jared did not hesitate to participate more actively in the kiss and was introduced into the Blonde enjoying the taste alike, but not to sheepishly had waited for that and this momentum was devouring a man in his arms.

When they parted for air, her cheeks were red and swollen lips, knowing look that they had did not give rise to words, it was not necessary.

latent desire in the skin of each comes out with violence acarl that could only come led by the hand of another as testament to the unbreakable bond that united them now.

was resting on a bed of straw when the blond turned to Jared clinging to his body, adjust your head on the chest of this, leaving a sense of peace that will invade the body, while the Brown stroked her bare back with one of his hands.

"Tomorrow I will become the next emperor. - The voice came so low that it was barely audible but that did not stop the body in the coup was lifted to understand his words. CHTM LXC

- What are you talking? - Surprise and wonder with eyes wide open, the image you pluck a slight laugh at the blond comedian who saw his lover.

"I decided a few days ago, all members agree consulate as members of the council of war was an almost unanimous decision.

"Then you.

"Yes, tomorrow I'll tackle cupboard to continue the legacy of Arius.

- Is that her name was Jen?, Never allowed to call him so.

-Truthis not liked, so he called himself only Cesar but one day told me, told me that the only person who could be called that was the wife Arianna.

"Incredible Jen, your emperor in Rome. - The joy that his voice betrayed the blond spread. - You must be so happy is more than you dreamed.

"No doubt it ever imagine and I am sure he has something to do. - He pointed to heaven.

next morning to meet the city was in a state of half-calm, in spite of the looming Persian threat had been builtas, the state in which he stood was depressing, the wounds all over his body showed evidence of heinous torture, his thinness, his eyes dulled by so much suffering ended with the little temple which was the blonde who was about to drop, But he did his soldiers needed him as their empire.

His orders were clear Jared would not leave the palace as he recovered, it will take care of, it would be a secret that very few would know, even that was well known predilection for the young emperor general and a soldier. When Brown finally opened his eyes the first thing I saw was green eyes regarded him with fear, worryand joy, the cluster of feelings that glimpse was something unexpected but thanked him feel alive after so long away from all that bound him to the world.

-Jen ... them.

"Do not talk, rest, nothing will happen to you I'm here with you .- said between sobs.

"I love you. - Said almost in a whisper because of its weakness.

"I love you too. - Said sealing their lips in a chaste kiss.

-promise that we no longer separate.

"Even that kills me.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Jersey Drivers License Template

TITLE: Let Me Protect

Fandom: Supernatural

AUTHOR: Myself, DestielWinchi. jiji.

PAIRING: Descubranlo, muaaaa, I'm bad.

WARNING: The typical, using language not suitable for minors porn scenes and clear of course is SLASH so if you do not, there's the door and is very large.

DISCLAIMER: Nothing supernatural is mine, everything is owned by Kripke, believe me if they were mine the series would be classified as Slash and pay per view, haha, this was hag

succeeded in arousing

When Castiel was completely bewildered, the memories of the last thing he saw and felt were especially first thing that struck his mind, he recalled in great detail his fight with this vampire, he could still feel his grip on his heart, that feeling of emptiness and disgust at the same time to note how stirring within him, another thing I remembered were the arms of the hunter around his body shaking almost inert, his breathing was weeping, her prayers that would not let him, if only I could have avoided the suffering causedto too, but that thought was replaced by a more pleasant, Dean Winchester had cried for him, for their loss, the mere fact of not seeing him more and that made him smile involuntarily. But in spite of all that would do it again without hesitation, but something was wrong, the countenance of his face changed abruptly when he realized he was smiling, standing, breathing, no injuries on his body, without blood. .. was alive.

located Giro looking face but did not recognize the place, your mind immediately traveled to Dean, "Where was?", The creature would have killed him, perhaps he survived andthe hunter, an immense pain in his chest was installed before the idea could not help but hate at the time for failing, then standing again, another damn game father, could not do that, but not Dean or maybe this would be his punishment for his incompetence, live forever with the pain that every moment grew larger in your body.

"Do not torment both, he is a voice well .- bag chaotic thoughts. The angel of his blue eyes fixed on the young man was leaning against the door frame, for a moment, but Dean thought he saw the image immediately scrap the youth before him were c"Grace" that it had left in the body to feel everything around them was vague and even weak but Dean could feel the top breathe easy, in fact asleep, than energy to the perceived fair of other animals around the house had to concentrate a little more to deepen your search, suddenly there was an energy covering the whole place or rather almost all the people from where they were, protecting it as an impenetrable barrier yet hidden, that energy around the hunter but more intensely so that the angel could not feel the warmth of the blondeiQuest, Why me?

"I was not so difficult to see, even that I sincerely believed that you behave a little more ... violent, everything I've seen I thought that this would be your reaction when you were with me.

"Answer. - Angel's blue eyes turned icy, forcing the young to answer.

"You were the only angel that you trust the life of my protege.

"But that does not understand why you did could you send or any other archangel Gabriel would haveiQuest, as you feel?, "strong, weak, absent? - The angel closed her blue eyes for a moment, opening a second before it to answer.

-Normal, but just now was ...

"That's why you have not fallen Castiel, nobody can take away your grace, and make it disappear, all that can deprive you of it is you and if you say it is intact, it is obvious what I mean brother. - The half smile that he dedicated much of her calm their fears.

- And my powers then? - Doubt it.

-Ythe blond.

"The most important thing now is Sam.

- What about my brother? - The anger was replaced by a deep concern that is reflected in the face.

-Perdoname. - Was the last thing you said the seraphim before the door will collapse behind them.

- Castiel!

The roar that followed the fall of the main gate was filled with anger and hatred that froze the blood the greater of the Winchester, whatwalked through the door denoting an immense power that could be felt in the air, the hunter was preparing to attack the intruder when the confusion and pain were with him, in front of him was his brother with an expression that would ; to never having seen her face was pure anger, hatred, pain ... evil in its most basic, a being that was not her brother.

completely black in the eyes there was no trace of the multicolor, darkness had swept completely with them, was so engrossed in his thoughts that he did not realize how fast it moved taking the neck near the couch angel passing by frerds and his guardian had covered his body.

- Your damn, this is all your fault! - Cry tightening his grip around the neck of the blue-eyed. -Sam

release. - Ordered the Seraph to no avail.

"Do not go if you want to run with the same fate as him. - Threatened without taking your eyes off the angel.

-Sam, what do you ... happens? - Asked the angel with difficulty trying to get rid of the hand that caught.

CHTMtions of younger hunters, satisfaction is drawing in the face of the child to see their plans took effect was immediate, sadism on his face reacted to the blonde who did not hesitate to get rid of his guard n to help the angel.

- Sam, no! - Cry capturing the attention of his brother to hit with the butt of his gun managing to free the blue-eyed than he was doing. The angel fell on the couch barely conscious after she had suffered. - Hey Cass, are you okay?, Cass pussy awake. - Lightly tapping the man said,do not shred the inside of the hunter.

"We are on Sam, you with the fox that and I with Cass.


"You're wrong it does not matter at all, even the dull as you wanted. - Said happily showing the knife of the devil. - You see, if I mistake Dean, Castiel long as you do.

-Sam .- fear in his voice was evident, so sadistic and joy in which he said had killed the demon terrorized, not that the chick that's not it worthy, but seeing as it had turned her brother was stronger than any otonium? - The sad look of seraph hunter left without words. - I want you almost as much as Dean, he could not hurt, trust me will be fine, take care of Cas I'll take care of it.

- Liam, please. - The appeal in his eyes was more than words could express.

The boy got up going to where Sam become a rage for what happened, staying stopped three feet from him.

"Get out, this is not you. - Threatened puts the knife against the girl.

acute; only one who wants is the good of both, like me.

- LIE! - Cry trying to stick the knife in the young, but the gun went flying from his hands away by an invisible force.

"No weapon can hurt me with Sam. - Said quietly.

-So ... - The child stretched out his hand to the young man tried to use his powers.

A slight discomfort in the chest was made of chestnut, an oppression that slowly strangled him but I could not be as effective as theangel.

A bright room gripped undo all the power of Sam, hazel eyes sparkled with landing on the dark intensity of the young hunter, leaving him still.

Sammy-You know me, never hurt you is it no longer trust me.

The images began to crowd into the mind of Sam, her childhood memories returned in seconds, memories that never thought he had the osc

Thursday, January 20, 2011

God's Way Music Ohio FanFic: Let me protect you

TITLE: Let Me Protect

Fandom: Supernatural

AUTHOR: Myself, DestielWinchi. jiji.

PAIRING: Descubranlo, muaaaa, I'm bad.

WARNING: The typical, using language not suitable for minors porn scenes and clear of course is SLASH so if you do not, there's the door and is very large.

DISCLAIMER: Nothing Supernatureor burned into his memory, and could hurt that way, so he had fought to protect it from all that and colossal failure had not been for that damn angel none of this would be happening.

Those were the thoughts of the younger Winchester, but in the end he was wrong and I knew his brother had already discovered, the face of horror that began long before the angel is accused had been confirmed but not least intrusive hated heavenly warrior, simply impala engine noise away was enough to sink into a sadness that until that day had never known, although the fatal step when His brother was in the ithe! - the fury in his voice shook the child to the woman who had fallen to the ground when it suddenly rose.

"That does not change the fact that you left behind," he said briefly rise.

And he blamed but did not mean it hurt less, was his brother who had the only certainty in this world of shit, the only person he trusted and had thrown it all away because of the damn blood running through his veins and brought with her addiction.

"You know, first I think is the best .- his thoughts were interis and now that she thought she had been blamed on everything.

"I will not again take a single drop of blood, not after what happened with Dean.-hiss amenazante." So you go forgetting the lessons and if you do not kill these now is for everything you helped me while my brother was not .- said letting the devil breathed his breath.

"You know that sooner or later the thirst will expire and when that happens, not even your beloved brother will be safe from you, however much you want to protect .- answer to the threat to the hunter trying to kiss but before even touching his lips this threw him away from it.

-I do not know Ruby, I can be capable of many things with this to protect my brother .-

"Of course, to drink the blood of demon .- blow - Come on Sammy, when that happens you will not be your the one that dominates your body. - which hissing snake from the ground. "Do not you dare call me again if you value your life .- growled

" Okay, I will not "Sam" .- yielded with emphasis on the name of the brown .- Besides your anger is misdirected instead of playing with me should go after that caused all this, I say if you already fucked up life that do not charge you with it .- released enjoying every word that came out of his mouth . CHTM

LXC-You've always known the real me, not because of anything we have fun in those hotel rooms .- suggestive whisper as he approached the hunter. - But tell me what you gonna do little angel, that you take out what they most want in this world because as you may have noticed is no secret to anyone that pathetic to be in love with your brother as a fifteen was and if he can stay with him, well this goes without saying that salt left over, right? spit .- Brown clinging to the body.

The mere thought of losing her brother at the hands of the "angel" would not allow it, would not let him asidean on your side and under that piece of .....

Before, I would bet his life for his brother's feelings do not correspond angel, but now was not so sure at the time they had together had noticed how the two were coming in all directions, the looks, the friction Accidental including silences, this complicity, and everything made him doubt, in no time his brother had put all their trust in the angel to the extent that he did not doubt his word wildest and crazy sounded what he said.

That trust, the total complicity was something that only they share, something no one else could have with his brother and suddenly appeared atimpossible to break

"You said you had not found anywhere that you had hidden away from all the other demons, told me it was impossible to EL! "cried blind rage.

-floor ... tame .- ordered with difficulty.

"Not until you tell me why I lied .- bufo but his grip tightening.

"Let Sam was just a joke .-

" Tell me the truth if you want that yours is broken neck into pieces .- threatened

She shifted to the grip but was inu useful despite the fact that it was only a hand that lMLXC-well who not only is so powerful it could stop the apocalypse the only

.- "Then only I have used all this time, followed Lucifer from the beginning who you'd swear was brought back when you kill Lilith ?!!!- anger is not it made a dent in uncontrolled completely

The woman did not even answer the fear gripped her, for the first time since he had become demon feel real terror, he would die, she was sure and this time no one will be resurrected.

peroen step did not know how Sam had a moment before she and the other the hunter rebAnaba throat with the knife that killed demons but not deep enough to kill and knew what he wanted ... drink all his blood, for a moment thought he might escape from the body when the hunter bleed, but what came out of the mouth of the chestnut out any hope of survival.

-Take all your blood and the power to kill me Castiel, but not before killing your spirit for having deceived all this time.

Then the hunter will cling to the wound which vampire sure to torture the girl's body as he did so with one hand sujet

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cj Barrymores Coupons FanFic: Let me protect you

l belongs to me, everything is owned by Kripke, believe me if they were mine the series would be classified as Slash and pay per view, haha, I'm doing this non-profit, you gain nothing, just my perverse joy.

SUMMARY: Dean is overwhelmed by everything happening around them ', is the target of both angels and demons, with Sam and Cas situation becomes tense, an enigmatic being cared extrañoy and to top discover that this love from the early years of adolescence and prescisamente not what he expected.


"Trust me, I will not hurt, neither you, nor Castiel .- assure the young taking to the angel in her arms.

- How do you know ..? - Asked again trying to stop the young man who had a near death Cas.

- I told you no time! - You cry while the body accommodated in one of his shoulders and pulled her arm from the entrance.

The cry of the young man returned completely to reality, falling into account that the angel might not be dead ... Moreover, was placed alongside the young took the body, looked for a second, but enough to be eNDERSTANDING, both went to a black van parked just outside the gates of the warehouse, once Dean was at the back with arms began Castiel on the way to who knows where.

The blond began to doubt whether it was a good idea to go with the young man had spent at least twenty minutes since they left the nest and the dark-haired body began to cool in a truly alarming, but with all that once he had recovered sufficiently from the impression of recent developments, he summoned all his wisdom and strength to take the life of the angel, to his relief still had a pulse, weak, vacillating and Kaida, but had a pulse and that was enough, what he cared about now was how the hell would save his life.

a few seconds had stopped at a house in the middle of a meadow, which was quite far from the village, entering the young man had put the body in the center of what was the room, but not before removing a big rug under which he was a huge seal etched into the wood, he recognized one of the books of Sam, was a symbol Enochian invocation of angels, or at least I thought, they had some differences at the edges that did not coincide with the book.

"Now tell me quien you .- insisted the hunter.

"Do not insist that the same thing if you know perfectly well who I am Deannie .- answered without lifting his eyes from the body of Castiel.

was all that simple word was enough to panic, who visited him in dreams, who shared those years of his childhood that he could not remember, was there ;, in front of him, trying to save the life of her guardian angel, so long looking for answers and I was there in front. In the bar still not sunk in yet, your subconscious still trying to protect everything, thinking that perhaps room &probably, I'm not sure about it yet, maybe you and I know, but that is something we can not understand at all .- responded with some degree of annoyance in his voice.

I suppose it's normal, in fact until very recently, a part of my powers back, I think even you could not recover from all your memories .- sigh wearily Well, you can call me Liam, "Dean." "agreed the boy.

"What do you mean, who recently regained your powers .- wonder without understanding the words of the boy.

Dean "Tell me, what do you think I am?, What kind of creature you think I can be, yet you know that in fact true, but you still refuse to believe & iacutee; a. - replied with sweet tone.

-....- the blond hesitate a moment before answering .- I think you're a ... a ... seraph .- "What the hell I'm saying" - he thought to himself.

-Dean is not no shit, I am, I'm your seraphim, in charge of taking care of you and everything you love .- confirm the young to feel the thoughts of the hunter.

Faced with these simple words could not help, anger flooded her body, an anger beyond all I ever felt, all his troubles, pain, tears, losses, all suffering of so many years that it invaded the body blinding, shorten the distance between them takingC

He gave the young man defeated by his own pain, dropping to his knees in front of him hiding his face in his hands as he cried in a heartrending.

Liam knelt before him, passing a hand through his hair blond young to comfort him, but just the other felt her hand jerked at once, looking at him with hatred.

-hiss .- Do not touch me again.

But the young man was not frightened by the threat, this time hitting him hug his body writhed hunter trying to escape, but he shook Liam cedíay not more strongly, suddenly v

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blokada Na Czakrze Seksu

Again farewell year full of hopes and promises, taking stock of the damage with due apologies and gratitude for what the destination only, and so we put in on a tray so dripping in superstitions, in less than a minutes do everything that we could not do for 365 days a year.

I really like the celebration and I am the first to choke on grapes, run with your suitcase, playing bells, change the thong and burns a little note to what is left behind (among other goodies). Certainly, this helps focus the mind on your goals, but what I am is that things do not happen magically. Each year ago with what you want, is not the result of fate but what you make of what is presented. CHTMinstitution that promotes no other desire than that of education for helping to orient harmony (yes that since entering the disruption of job rotation and added to other responsibilities I have no compass of time I have quartered half the plan) . But the seed is in my plans and now they start the year well I want to dedicate time to meditation.

Another of the wonderful things that have happened this year has been reunited with my family. After several years of unsuccessful attempts to find them, they have given us. The nicest of the story is found in the world people as pestles with whom you can share your heart. Family is very important but even more so when you have