Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Facial Blast Wallpaper FREEDOM

Yesterday I told a story about a bird ... swifts.

From birth are intended only to fly, always fly ... just stop to nest and then continue flying forever.

are those who on waking in the morning, fly and fly in circles, very fast, as if a force propelled them to do, like they could not stop spinning just fly and fly ... ... and do so in flocks in large groups and rise and fall and rise again .... and when the day comes to an end, still fly ... sometimes in silence other shouting his farewell to the sun ... then rise high where we can not see them and continue flying .....

are free ....

That paradox ....

RDEC and let all this beauty will penetrate through the pores of the skin that longs to fly ..
Accepts that there is no need to fly a bird but simply being human ...
He who walks the earth treasuring everything that makes him feel alive ...
The losing some of the feathers on their wings to skip stones in the road ....
who accepts what you have is .. .. and is happy with it ..
would not seek that happiness outside, but within it ....

I have to say I will always love to watch them all together and if one gets lost, they return to find the straggler ..... Tb

That frees us ............



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