Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Elegant Progressions Harrisburg Shutdown your dreaming mind...

he problem is yourself.

And when you face it and no way to turn back. Not valid blame some unknown body of your woes, the beauty the world over and now there is only fog in every direction you look.

The worst part is that the damage is done and you can not undo it. Either you accept and still dreaming that everything can be better or face the dismal fall rendered paradise where minds drowned in sadness.

And obviously the second option is always the best.

Shutdown your anger shutdown your precious time

Shutdown you loser shutdown your little mind


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Booze Cruise On Columbia, Mo

war and peace Originally uploaded by gruvna
After musta got after a while, having spent a few months after seeing the first two parts, unnerved me, like so many other female characters classical Russian literature (Bunin and Chekhov included) - the character of Natalia and impressed by the developments which manages to convey the pesonajes of Bolkonsky, this weekend I finished my marathon with four dvds of War and Peace was worth

and although it'll give me the specialist, the picture gets a lot of attention and there are scenes that impact enough, though in general I am not very fondyou to such blockbuster.

course there are some gaps left if you do not know the book, but probably would have been more in every hour that lasts this film.

And though I know nobody will answer this question, I do the same. A fifth dvd hanging around there with the extras. Would it be worth getting?

Well, enough for now.
need quinoa.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Get Hydrocoedone In Canada Crack the Riddle!

On the afternoon of a cold friday a car from "Correos de Chile" delivered a package to my house. That Was not for me like MOST of them to be, this time the goods for my mother Who Were won a prize in the "Crack the Riddle" from Halloween contest. We Knew about the contest for the scratch card That Came with the limited edition of "Gambling With the Devil" and decides to take part on it ... But the credit is all for my Mom, Because she Solve the riddle and sat her first answer, I only reply and Participate Took her, LOL! for this reason I'm glad she won These Things cute, nice additions to Our Families Halloween Collection. (Yes, we're all Helloween fans in my house ... you can see events in my scrapbook of hell pics of my little brother when toC

- The back of the pumpkin with the Helloween logo.

Luckily the car delivered the package itself because was a big box and a couple of weeks ago I had to go to the Central Postal Office only for a medium envelope with the Arsenal yearbook of the 2007/2008 season, the little photobook and the dvd season review also other little envelope with the football-shirt-shaped Arsenal keyring. What a shame, surely the postman was so tired for carry a couple of envelopes... *sighs*

And a last thing: with the autographed picture card I noticed how great is Markus' signature, is pure cuteness ( I would say just like Tuncay Sanli but he's unrelated to the post, LO

Friday, July 11, 2008

Pokemon Shiny Gold For Sale

My tribute to Belarusian football!

Clothesline Initiation

Thursday, July 10, 2008

◦pattycake Online

ctuales talk about deep things and extend the story with phrases in a foreign language for no apparent reason have failed to immerse themselves in the narrative.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Facial Blast Wallpaper FREEDOM

Yesterday I told a story about a bird ... swifts.

From birth are intended only to fly, always fly ... just stop to nest and then continue flying forever.

are those who on waking in the morning, fly and fly in circles, very fast, as if a force propelled them to do, like they could not stop spinning just fly and fly ... ... and do so in flocks in large groups and rise and fall and rise again .... and when the day comes to an end, still fly ... sometimes in silence other shouting his farewell to the sun ... then rise high where we can not see them and continue flying .....

are free ....

That paradox ....

RDEC and let all this beauty will penetrate through the pores of the skin that longs to fly ..
Accepts that there is no need to fly a bird but simply being human ...
He who walks the earth treasuring everything that makes him feel alive ...
The losing some of the feathers on their wings to skip stones in the road ....
who accepts what you have is .. .. and is happy with it ..
would not seek that happiness outside, but within it ....

I have to say I will always love to watch them all together and if one gets lost, they return to find the straggler ..... Tb

That frees us ............


Friday, July 4, 2008

All Nighter Wood Stove The Chilean broken

good for Pichanga and roasts) as opposed to "Cuica" (synonymous with already quite distant futre )) that the other person says is a "broken."
In fact, I think one of the places worth visiting in Santiago is not always as mentioned barrio Yungay area
with Plaza del Roto Chileno
, including the broken statue Chilean Without But when we heard that abroad we are known as "broken", at least in my case, I'm far from optimistic to that relationship. yesterday, I had to move several times in the back trunk Maipú because the back of the bus had a vacant seat on a couple of young women was in dispute

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Restaurants Around Silver City Theater Ottawa And as I think anyone going to mention over here:

LDU Quito won the Copa Libertadores!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Seizures More Condition_treatment gruvna @ 2008-07-02T19: 27:00

While in the Argentine cable channels and broadcast in live Peruvian statements Ingrid Betancourt after his arrival at the airport in Chilevisión showed a young couple blindfolded guessing with his bare foot which was the object that was in a box (a chicken neck peeled)
On National Television a girl named "Einziger" ("Stuart?) talked about his experience on" Red. "

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sample Welcome Note For Wedding

not intended to be neutral. That and a blog of course imply that there is a permanent risk of being involved in any discussion is not sought. However, the "dispute" referred to above for me did not stop being childish and I do not deny, either, at the time gave me enough laughter. Surely if I keep writing here come a couple more and is more or less part of the game.

What I did not expect is that
by last.fm
see me involved in such situations. A Russian panel wrote in my seemingly happy not because I doubted his ability to express relatively consistent, it gave the gustito
write the following entry that makes me become a whole "celebrity."
(In Russian) for Russian Nazis last.fm

who are interested in the entry titled "Есть тут такой парень ..." ("Here is a boy." Парень
this is me in case) and do not speak Russian, they can simply put it in a translator as this and give them a pretty close idea of what he writes. (Definitely not Lermontov and Pushkin, so it is perfectly legitimate for such a basic level of writing to use so crude a tool.) Moreover, the intellectual level of the Nazis did not cease to amaze me softly. I am firmly convinced that if it became effective that the supremacy of the strongest, in intellectual terms the Nazis would be the first to giveappear.
However, roughly what it says is that there are around here a guy (me) who said interest in the "culture" and listening to Russian music (folk, folk / pagan metal, some black metal) and blabla But committing the "crime" of saying that is stupid
NSBM (By the way: not only stupid, but stupid, moron, neuronally excrement smeared by intellectually lacking and all possible synonyms and so on included) and that the specific action to make me listen to Russian music less enjoyable, call on all his friends to use the tag "NSBM" in all the groups that I hear ... What? A great example of the Nazi intelligentsia today. Now that you wrote this while also