Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Central Auditory Processing Disorder Ontario

mp; aacute;? - Was the simple question that springs from the lips of most of the Winchester brothers as he stared at his brother still unconscious.

"His body must remove all the blood of a demon, is a slow process that left him exhausted, then there will have to make sure that hatred that clouds the trial of Castiel and that will be the most difficult , easy everything. - The look of apprehension that the fair dedicated to the seraph made clear that was not what I expected to hear. - If Dean had recovered. - Defeated sigh.

- Why do it?, Why you always?. - Whisper voice cracking unsuspecting hunter taking the young man accompanying him &; About girls, aba, which was limited to look away.

The tears that threatened to abandon her green eyes were set out with some force that it had left in the body, three days, three days after his world literally fell, Castiel was near death twice in less than 48 hours, for trying to protect you and the other to his brother a victim of irrational hatred that so far still could not understand at all, his brother on the other side blinded duped and manipulated by the vixen Ruby had become what I always feared a demon or at least closer to one because of him, all his fault. CHT "So I understand everything that I tell you how you end up in my care and that covers from birth, through the creation of humans and the Lucifer uprising against father.

- What do you have to do ...? - The angel raise a hand breaking the question of the hunter.

"I understand and I promise you too brother. - Said that he was turning to blue-eyed head slightly tilted to one side in his usual gesture of incomprehension. - Veras Dean, I am a primary spirit, the first soul created by God long before he created space and time, after mycute; a.

The lowest was where he gathered the principalities, archangels and angels, the former being the strongest of them

The second group brought together over them dominations, virtues and powers.

And finally above all thrones, cherubim and seraphim just three.

"Then the sons of bitches are the lowest class of angels that are there and still doing what they earn hits, no offense Cass. - Express apologizing to the angel. - That damn Michael is thought the great thing and just a ...

"As I said we separated,as words. - We are the most beautiful and only he has the right to see ourselves as we are, because we owe it completely.

"Well are very nice and he is a selfish and only wanted to, what has to do with me?

"Everything ... if you want to understand each and every one of my actions hear. - Replied dryly. - Well, of all the angels I was the only one with the will to do and make my own decisions, yet I stayed by her side that she loved him, my father after all and therefore I love everything that he created and more angels have been inspired by me, as it was then that the p MLXC In their eagerness to destroy humans and remind God who were his true sons convinced above all beings Ela join his cause, is talented and knows how to fool everyone around the poison against their creators get to raise their fist at him, my brothers and Amiel Daziel not stand that so they melted back into the essence of God disappear completely, leaving me. Father did nothing to stop the rebels only went and all I did was act in fear of me left by those who loved and betrayed by those who protected them as well as with a bresult, only gave him the key to hurt more. - The silence was again but this time was the same one who broke it. - In creating humans must create a soul, the first and only pure soul which all others derive, which endow a power that nobody else would tendrĂ­ay all.

"It's ... Adam's soul. - Said wrapped in blue-eyed amazement.

-Yes, a soul so beautiful that just seeing it in all its glory would give the same effect as the angels to show his true form to humans, resulting in the creation that soul Eva the rest of the story is known, the tendency LuciferTO and she fell taking it to Adam.

The party is unknown at the beginning were not just two but four, Adam, Eve, Lilith and always problematic - pause - Alucard.

- Alucard? - The tremor in the voice of the blond was evident he remembered perfectly the image of the devil in their dreams, that he fire the junkyard Bobby and Liam away from him.

"If the same. - The Seraph took a long breath and continued. - In retaliation for having banished Lucifer Lilith became a demon to kill Eve and Adam, but Adam was keptor heard, everything happened just because that, that .... I think because of that. - He turned to face the angel.

-Castiel is right, it's not your fault, just have been a victim of circumstances that have never been under your control and not let me lie to say that your soul does not compare with any, are good, I Lean On care for all those you love, you're better off this world Dean Winchester.

"You're listening to, really much time away from your daddy and I love the brain, every living thing with which I come across is fucked up or dies, as you say I'm the best fucking world. - The exasperation bordering on anger, felt like a hunterchild who wanted to deceive for taking candy, only in his case was the opposite, I wanted to give even if by force. - WHY YOU'RE CRAP! - Anger in the voice of the young took by surprise the two men in front of him, making them shrink only by the power of your voice. - Remember who you're ahead of Dean, as much as I am your guardian I'm still a being of absolute power and you do not have to yell at me as if I were your brother or stupid you come across in the street, " understand?

The blonde nodded, eyes open but not to con a slight hint of fear in them, until then Liam had a quiet and melancholy countenance, could never imagine having a character as strong and intimidating, his face turned hard and expressionless, the same face of the unhappy Michael, the aura of authority around him at the time he first made clear who was that young.

- What happened to Eva? - Ask to soften a bit the environment, Brown sighed relaxing with notoriety.

She regretted everything that happened, to be tempted by Lucifer and drag it to Adam, to end his human life convert & iacuyou, an angel, but his rebellious nature remained, until she fell and be human again, you know it now as Ana - clarified with a smile grimly. - You can not avoid returning to the familiar is not it Dean? - The blond felt the comment as if the boy knew what happened between him and the angel. Castiel could only open their eyes to sense the same as the blond.

-Hum .. - The angel cleared his throat to draw attention to the seraph. - I can ask you a question. - The voice came out as a whisper but the girl managed to hear clearly.

-Dime. ero someone stepped on my back delaying my arrival, resulting in all this.

"Then Sam was not born? - The blond trembled with fear at the thought.


"No, Sam would be born in one way or another it was inevitable to be the recipient of ... is better to tell you once and what happened in those months, enough so many rodeos.

The seraph an exaggerated sigh and began to describe what the mind of Dean could not remember.


& amp; nbsp;


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