Monday, November 20, 2006

Truebabes Gingermodel

I work at an incredible pace and adrenaline rises to new heights ....

But all the past is forgotten when you see the result, when you suddenly walk away and look at your work, is like looking at a picture and realize what you've painted.

's all about ... and then you start to enjoy what you've created ... and it's just at that moment when you feel you touch the sky with your hands, just then you see the expression of the people who contemplate your work and you realize that you've created something wonderful, you realize that this work is a piece of your heart

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Rozpad Guza Nowotworowego

Looking in the trunk of memories, as I said a song of long ago, I found something that caught my attention.
A letter of mine from long ago, I think of when I went to school jejejeje
Well the fact is that I want to share with all

Heaven neguzcos nuances slowly begins to shine. Small lanterns
scattered across the sky
disappear gradually.
The river, festooned with colorful flowers, weaves the valley with mirrors. He walks swiftly through mountains of snowy peaks and proud.

passes between mysterious whispering trees, covered by a gown beaded with drops of dew still on inert rocks to finish in a beautiful waterfall, impregnatedChip gives vivid colors that belie the rainbow overpowering start daybreak.

The happy chirps of birds aununcian the sun, a sky tinged with pink, progressively rises.

Everything changes ......

The opaque veil of the night is disappearing.
trees acquire a deeper green.
flowers, and small strokes distributed by a magic brush, brighten the landscape.
And the tape, which was originally silver, has become another reflection of pale gold color and it looks like it has hosted some of the rays of the sun ....


Sunday, October 1, 2006

Sc Drivers License Template

ar, cry if you touch me and laugh until you can laugh more ... And I want to name them ...

I want to thank my daughters all the love you give me ... My family
to a greater or lesser degree support me ..
To my friends who are always there, some closer than others, care and support to give everything I have inside me.
And thank especially my Anay, my soul mate, his faith in me, your unconditional support and encouragement, because without it we could not achieve my dreams.

Thank you all! I love

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Ankylosing Spondylitis Ear Pressure The soul of a city


In one mare di people

Che lives alone, alone against the people.
This is a gift for my friend Sirius, which has managed to see the soul of a city besosss

Graves’ Disease More Condition_symptoms

sto worth a dream come true.
But ....... I know that I'm smiling and giving thanks for the gift received and of course living my dream. Besos

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

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Sunday, July 16, 2006

Nj Cruising Locations The party

is very difficult for me to make the people that I do not have to go through hard times.

While this is inevitable because they are evidence that must be overcome to strengthen our character and become really people.

only in those moments can be, listen, understand and employ thousands of techniques for that person, if only for a few minutes, forget about your problem.

I have no control over the events but if I had know you would do? First

.... paint a smile on the face of all the people that crossed me ......

After a big party would
could be anyone who would or would only .....,

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Wedding Program Phrases

As the title of journal .... never stop dreaming because dreaming is the first to realize your dreams ...

Tomorrow for me is a great day .. it achieves a dream that took much time chasing ...

is just a stage, and the best way possible. Close chapters in our lives is painful for all that you leave behind and all you have to change. We cling to things costuumbre, out of laziness, not to take risks, not to find a way out of the maelstrom in which we are sometimes involved.

As I say tomorrow is a very special day for me, for my life because I can finally take the path that I've dreamed for a long time ... tomorrow is the firstday of my new life and I'm very happy about this and I find that people really want are also covered by my ...

and could not be on another date ... the day that the old burn what we remove from our lives and planting new, sow our desires ... it's a beautiful night, the longest of the year the most magical .....
I think this year I will not ask for anything ... I have only to thank and much ....
Happy Midsummer to all! Besosssssssssssss

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Baby Congratulations Sample

to be consistent with them ...
There is always someone next to whom to blame, whom to download everything that bothers us is ours or not ...

And on top that person is happy, is doing something, anything, which is proposed and that we are not able to get ... there are going to demolish ... to make her feel bad ... because as we are not happy or not we get what we want, because it annoys the other ...

This makes me think of a play of our "Phoenix of the mills," Lope de Vega ... ...... The dog in the manger who does not eat or stop eating .....

Today is another day and will certainly not be like yesterday.

But when they do appear the moment it is impossiblertante not to be affected more than necessary, mostly because so get to keep walking, step by step, slowly but steadily and we will be able to remove the stones trying to stop our journey ...


Sunday, May 21, 2006

List Of Cubefield Levels

Many times when something we've wanted for a long time before us, we were surprised ... Maybe

think it was just a dream ... a dream that would not come true ...

Why can not our dreams come true?

do what we have desired strength and heart will not be fulfilled?

do we think we're just mere mortals can not aspire to anything?

I think the key is that, in wishing to heart ... and rely on our strength and in the universe that is stronger ... but we are parts of that universe and we have the same power ....

carazón The road is hard, very hard, it's a trucknot full of evidence that make us learn and shape us ....
But in turn is a way that meets ... first because is the choose and then because it is becoming what we really want to be ... make us ourselves ....

Making it to that is not easy, most of all because it involves change and all change is painful ... but in the end if we get that pain is forgotten, not even the memory is because what is does is make our desires ...

That if to walk this road you have shed a lot and sometimes act as ballast and really stop us ... so I can go down that road is light, with ......


Monday, May 15, 2006

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That word ... metamorphosis
first thing comes to my mind when I hear is the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly ....
A wonderful process ... .... and it's amazing that Mother Nature is so amazing .... wonderful ... ...
me share with you a story that came to my hands but as every story has a background in teaching and a lot of wisdom.

A caterpillar walking one day towards the sun. Very close to the road was a grasshopper.
- Where you going? - He asked.
While walking, the caterpillar said, "I had a dream last night I dreamed that from the top of the great mountain I looked across the valley. I liked what I saw in my dream and I decided to do it.
Surprised, the grasshopper said as her friend moved away: - You have to be crazy, how can you get to that place?, You, a mere caterpillar! A stone is a mountain, a small pool, a sea and any body of a barrier.
But the caterpillar was away and did not hear, her tiny body is not stopped moving. Suddenly he heard the voice of a beetle:
- Where do you go so hard? Sweating
the caterpillar said breathlessly, "I had a dream and desire to do, climb that mountain and from there to contemplate our world.
The beetle could not contain his laughter, burst out laughing and then said, "Neither I, with my big feet, try to do something so ambitious ...- And he stayed on the ground, dead rinthat not forget that success in life is not measured by the achievements, but by the obstacles we faced along the way. Besossssssssss

Monday, May 1, 2006

How To Get Pokemon From The Shelter

In my walk through the city of Barcelona and particularly in the Park Güell found the art .... Towards

anywhere you direct your gaze is art ..

In the mosaics, the eternal tree walk, in the most hidden of the park is art ...

breathed the soul of the artist who modeled it, all is light, color, melody ....

The sound of pigeons and gulls flying, the laughter of children, the energy of a time past and especially the artist's mind ... everything is art ...

But the image I found the seed of the art plasma in its entirety ....

A special place ... as much in many cities, but I saw there in Barcelona, the ci

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Acronis The Installation Was Interrupted

Walking around the city of Barcelona, which for me is magic, I found it.

was only a moment after a day of walking, seeing the colors, enjoy, listen to the melody, feel the soul of this city, when I looked up and there was ... a sundial.

I noticed where I was. In a house that seemed to stop in time, with trees and a special light.

And a sign below the clock that says: JUST UNDER

serene hours .....

really was so, there were only serenity about this place, car noises were heard in the distance, came the murmur of wind in the trees and the birds singing .... a haven of peace in of bullic

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Can Running Affect Your Period

explosion of colors in you
is reflected in my eyes
like a swallow that flies and is
like a swallow that flies and goes ....

Movement as a sunset
an emotion that comes and goes
an emotion that comes and goes .....

fire in the image hiding
in you

the blue sea turns into earth and water
heart energy

a beam of light energy of love .....

A mysterious profile
color contrast that becomes
freedom to the confines of reality

white hair a mermaid charm
flies with the look of someone who does not know
the glory and pain of another age ....

The figure of the sun is lost at sea

lights and colors and love melancholy Land and Water
heart energy

a light beam power of love .....

balance of an acrobat suspended over the city

is in
happiness of a child to be born ....

Seven letters in your name
the mystery of a story that hides

the identity of a taste of freedom ....

art is
living within the soul of a flower

the wind in the waves and water

or heart energyn
beam energy of love ...... Dedicated

Sirius asked me to put that image to his lyrics ....
A big hug ...

Trailers Ontario For Sale/ The Easter Egg

to. The egg came to prominence in Egyptian mythology where the phoenix is burned in its nest and was reborn later from eggs that had originally created. Hindus also argued that the world was born from an egg.
Easter eggs in antiquity were chicken and duck, and in the Middle Ages they were given away to children during the celebrations. At the time, Christians began to give away eggs for Easter with gifts and early 19 century, in Germany, Italy and France, came the first made with chocolate eggs with little gifts inside.

An item is infallible in the traditional Easter chocolate eggs filled with candy and a few surprises q

Thursday, April 6, 2006

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that the time spent planting, wait, give, receive, learn, teach, laugh, mourn, speak, listen, love and be loved is really our life .... is our time to live ...
if aware of this ... and I really believe that we lived our life would be fruitful ... our lives would be meaningless.


Monday, March 27, 2006

Every Land On Poptropica TO BE HAPPY

Eyes found and recognized ... Hands outstretched waiting

what others are ..... Lips

give a smile and the universe smiles ..... Thrown to the wind

words that come and go as far
breeze ....
Eyes, hands, words ...

Everything conspires to make him happy .... Looks

surprised by the morning light received warm hugs

That fills me with peace ....
Voices whisper in my ear with sweet melodies
songs .... Looks
, hugs songs ....

Everything conspires to make him happy ...

light-filled Morning Smiles mixed