Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Anniversary Program Samples The Legend of Chtulhu

On Tuesday

began as a normal day: Early morning
went to see Alonso Ovalle was ké shirt size, to send me a q've been waiting a looooong time ago so I gathered the silver YQX:

and Then I went on a normal Metro ...

But the first thing I saw was ... odd q Master Roshi
!!!!!!! Σ (゜ ロ ゜;)!

IF! Mutter ROSHI IS YEAR 2000!
(that's more so after and before DBGT DBZ)
Beside him was a man obese obesity (¯ □ ¯")"( can only appreciate its 2 stomachs, below the belt and belt up ... but it had many more q)

iwal l @ s passengerBe a little looking. I liked the lighting:

Aaaaaaaartos minutes later spent a tip @ s @ s q with the description gave me the Yuu, but did Lesos and continued long. Then he walked around, stared at me, made a discreet "crab step horizontal approach" to approach me and greeted me:
"Hi, you're Kira?" I ~(·_·)~ Dago (* smiles *) and Selene

Camilo went to pick up and drove me! (☆ _ ☆) Camilo
re driving and I felt good in the car of a guy so young.

Amb @ s were very nice and friendly, we talked a little, I told the story of "The Legend of Cthulhu" and taught me the basics of comLXC Loud music, looks young ... I felt great (☆ _ ☆)

Upon arrival, the night was coming and with it went the NEXT chapter of "The Mysteries of Cthulhu"
Camilo was the Master. I had never played a game of role with music and good atmosphere ... was noticeable q @ s ell enjoyed and had much experience throughout the story, I loved the atmosphere q formed in that environment.

The "Chronicle" estubo genial, a case of mystery with a series of murders and q voltage rarely felt playing role. So much so suddenly q cuckoo clock rang and I was about to cry, but when I realized I held the scream and looked like a frightened sigh. L
to music was in accordance with each stage of history and that made him even better ... Q LOVED ME YOU PUT THE DEDICATION everyone!!

Chronicle tell it in another post, xq was quite long, complex and had several characters imbolucrados.

In 2 words: It was great

(notice the bags under my eyes) (つ д ⊂)
with Yuuchi and Selene After we left, and Camilo Cupi went to their houses and red bunting, this story over.

- suddenly I feel something q moves my feet ... must be a dream (^ ^ U) BUT SOMETHING ┏ シ GO TO MY STOMACH! GATOOOO AN ERA!! And ran and ran and chased me X EVERYWHERE! q Selene came up and saved me ヽ ('∀ `ヽ) -
The next day I woke up early, woke up at Yuu and left. I alcansé

to dismiss Kice Selene and not disturb his sleep, but I hope it has reached q my SMS.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Super Logins For Poptropica

Yesterday started early ... (* 'Д `*) all my days lately have started early. Xq at 24:00
had an hour to the eye doctor, if they want to know x ké can see this:

are not doing Yoga ... are broken and dying (つ д ⊂) and I use them!

we also have q xq me the annual checkeo my view and in my best, I rose and stayed iwal q last year. Aunq the year before last year I increased the eye izkierdo = /

There was a mess to meet with my tasting, xq discussed yesterday with my Mom and I did not say anything since last professional Kizo hours with my plans changed and while on his Cata the taxi called for us to gather together in one q Eskin Center. She told me it pe qwas, BUT NO! are only the 'fronts' xD shirts are just the front x back have a little something to tie them up, things will ensima q iwal the shirt. After you put the chaketa (q are ultra bknes) and that other things are covered.
artas We took beautiful pictures and my Mom kedo ultra happy ♥ (^ ω ^) ノ ~ (* very happy *)

Then, with all his happiness invited us to have ice cream! Me and my hmno
we take a "Cup Triton, my tasting took a" Tropical Cup "and my Mom did not know (ΦзΦ) ~ I forgot
After the glasses started our journey to quote, choose and buy my new glasses. It took me arto

(as always) xq q those would be the lenses would be used during this year and have whoooolehe doctor advised me not to take things too hot or cold. Aunq I do not like hot food or cold beverages I left the Healing Awit at room temperature and took me ... q looong time ago did not do that and how was the first time in months artos q I did, I asked for a wish ...

was delicious ヽ ('∀ `ヽ)

When I finished I went to JapimaX to find out how to play Bowlin came to celebrate the birthday of Jiro and Kira (Thursday). It cost $ 2,200 and could play 7 people ... SO CHEAP?! NOOOO ~ q
what happened was we saw prices q XD Pool
The Bowlin, according to my Mom comes as 8 lucas.

strolled around with my tasting, made me feel very happy, I was ultra happy cor by hand and we went xD

The I dropped off back home and I went alone on the subway last Bagon x 4 seasons, do not miss the opportunity and sang / screamed and jumped escuxando music.

I got home, I saw Shallow Hal (xq Tasting see it) and began to wash the gift of Jiro

As turns 18 and is someone to consider as Friend kien, we will give that to my Cata.
Actually I was going to give to the vave for her birthday 15 and Jiro helped me choose and ultra was happy when she saw them. Q X I'm sure you will like.

tngo For Kira still present, but with the tasting we will choose something from Kingdom Hearts.

* NOTE: when we

Monday, February 18, 2008

Gay Cruising Park In New Jersey ~ Corbata Nueva ~ New Ties

Today I could finally see again my Catita ~ ~ (ノ ♥ _ ♥) ノ
After my vacation in the "Concistorial" I went to visit his home.

not seen her since Monday and I q 11 a week on the beach to see her again. But the wait was worth it. And
beach vacation the tell in another entry: D (when in my power tnga photos)

As much I missed the Monday I got up early in the morning to go home and I arrived at 11.30am.
Sunday afternoon at my house I had a taco xq, then, to the house of my tasting tmbn took my old friend, the Dream (¯ 口 ¯;)

was a very "active" and crazy. I stopped envidiar to @ s otr @ sq lasted 2 hours and the rest I do not know kieran q (Jo, as if I read a lot of people xD)
After lunch came to disturb us and we should stay asleep

(° - _-) zzz just wake up as we went at 4.30pm to return to kedarnos asleep ...

's so nice to have a pretty little girl next to you. Q could feel the love he left his treasure chest in the mine and tmbn could see her beautiful face with those eyes closed Trankil q peace filled me in that moment ... haaa, sleeping with the tasting is one of the things I like q ♥ ヽ ('∀ `ヽ)

and fell off the bed, I said ugly things and ran down the stairs, closed the door latch andwent to sleep alone (· _ · U)
And I was not the culprit ... she fell alone ('┏ _ ┓ `) q
Luckily I had warned the Frankito q Ultramega Tasting was heavy when I was sleeping. X that I did not feel bad with q and told me I had to laugh. Finally
again and after awhile of doing arto q Sims to look like we went back to my side ♥ ヽ ('∀ `ヽ)
and still" sleeping "together

(ノ ♥ _ ♥ ) ノ め えん ぺそ あ と かる い いし も す こ さす ろか す ぽる せ ぐんだう ゛ ぇす えん える で ぃあ ヽ (♥ _ ♥ ヽ)

As I was leaving and she hoped to arrange for aq going to leave me at the micro, he hid a regareposition and when she left she gave me a tie ultra bkn!

there are the gifts I made q (cuts do not yet xD)

was a q I had been looking for a long time and she bought for me or (≧ ∀ ≦) o (envídienme)

Akí is:

The Cata said they were very emo q q photos I took ... but I think the tie is x q (?)

Tell me if it is not pretty? (☆ _ ☆)

At first I gave everything, xq had never worn a tie on a shirt. Land use in shirts (like all people)

But if they want to say, suggest or give advice on use ...welcome (^ ω ^)

Anyway thought to use it more in times less hot, but I think iwal q combine well without sleeves and with those muñekeras and bracelets

Friday, February 1, 2008

Does Cervical Mucus Increase Before Period Miss you

I'll miss

ヽ (; 'Д `) ノ ... will be difficult days, but a few songs and a lot of memories in my mind always bring a smile on my face in the name of your Love

(ノ ♥ _ ♥) ノ I Love You So much Cata y. .. Remember to call

(**** Dago goes on vacation with her Dad to Arica and ****) hmno